Valley Kennels Cane Corsos

The Ultimate Family Companion
Valley Kennels Cane Corso IsIs
Valley Kennels Cane Corso IsIs Born 2003 Our Niger And Ch Bodciaus

Selecting a Cane Corso mastiff breeder

When selecting a Cane Corso mastiff breeder, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure you’re getting a healthy and well-bred puppy. Here are some requirements and considerations to keep in mind:

Reputation and Experience: Look for a breeder with a good reputation and a history of breeding healthy, well-socialized Cane Corsos. Ask for recommendations from other Cane Corso owners, participate in breed-specific forums or social media groups, and conduct thorough research on the breeder’s background and track record.

  • Health Testing: A responsible breeder will prioritize the health of their dogs. They should conduct health tests on their breeding dogs to screen for genetic conditions that may be prevalent in the breed, such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cardiac issues, and eye problems. Request documentation of health clearances for the parents of the puppy you’re interested in.
  • Knowledge and Commitment to the Breed: A reputable breeder should have extensive knowledge and experience with the Cane Corso breed. They should be able to provide you with information about the breed’s temperament, characteristics, and specific care requirements. They should be committed to preserving and improving the breed rather than simply breeding for profit.
  • Socialization and Temperament: Ensure that the breeder emphasizes early socialization for their puppies. Puppies should be exposed to various environments, noises, people, and other animals to promote good temperament and adaptability. Ask the breeder about their socialization practices and how they raise their puppies to be well-rounded and confident.
  • Breeding Standards and Code of Ethics: A responsible breeder should adhere to a code of ethics and breed standards set by recognized kennel clubs or breed organizations. They should have a clear purpose for their breeding program, such as improving the breed, preserving its working abilities, and maintaining good health and temperament.
  • Support and Follow-up: A reputable breeder will provide ongoing support and guidance to puppy owners. They should be available to answer your questions and provide advice throughout the puppy’s life. They may also have a contract or guarantee that outlines their responsibilities and what they expect from the puppy buyer.
  • Visit the Breeding Facility: Whenever possible, visit the breeder’s facility to assess the living conditions of their dogs. Observe the cleanliness, organization, and overall well-being of the dogs. Meeting the breeder in person allows you to evaluate their knowledge, interaction with the dogs, and the environment in which the puppies are raised.

Remember, purchasing a puppy from a responsible breeder may require some patience and research. Avoid supporting puppy mills or backyard breeders who prioritize profit over the welfare of the dogs. Take your time to find a breeder who genuinely cares about the breed, the health of their dogs, and the well-being of their puppies.